Step 2 – Pick a project, any project

You can use Intelligent reports to ask your Jira user a question before creating the report. For example, which project would you like to run this report on?

  1. To add a question, click the Add Question button on the Edit Template page.

    Give the question a name, an optional description, and choose Project as the answer type. Click the OK button. That's it! Creating a report template document

  2. If you now go back to the Intelligent Reports Generate Report page (refresh the page if necessary) you will be able to select your report, and a drop down field will ask you to select a project to report on. Creating a report template document

    You can also create questions asking the user to choose a version, user, issue e.t.c. These questions are handy for creating timesheet reports, release notes and SLA reports to name a few.

You can click here to learn more about questions in Intelligent Reports.

Next: Step 3 - Let's add data

Previous: Step 1 - Design the document in Microsoft Word

Want to skip ahead or read it again?

  1. Design the document in Microsoft Word
  2. Pick a project, any project
  3. Let's add data
  4. Tables of issues
  5. Impress with a chart
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